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Performance dates & times

Wednesday 20 Nov
7:30 PM

Price range

Please note: Companion Card Complimentary Tickets are not eligible for the VIP Meet & Greet inclusions. Please contact our Contact Centre on 1300 182 183 for more information.

Please note you will not be charged a delivery fee for this event. Select your preferred delivery method and no charge will be applied at the payment stage.
VIP Meet & Greet *
A Reserve
B Reserve

* See Notes for VIP Meet & Greet inclusions

Do Psychopaths rule the world?

How do we define normal? Are you friends with a psychopath? Are you worried YOU might be one?

Join Jon Ronson in for an electrifying journey into the enigmatic world of psychopaths and the perplexing concept of normalcy. In an age where society's rationality is called into question, Jon will deliver an evening of incisive inquiry, seasoned with his trademark wit and profound insights.

This event features mystery special guests central to the story but not found in the original edition of the book. Their extraordinary tales are brimming with twists and turns, and the less you know about them, the better. Don't miss this unforgettable night of revelation and intrigue.

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